Alonzo et. al vs. LDNR, provided expert witness testimony for the Caernarvon freshwater
diversion litigation in Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes, Louisiana.
Nettleton et. al vs. Denbury Offshore, provided expert witness testimony.
Ongoing oyster biology consulting to the USACE and Louisiana Department of Natural
Resources- Coastal Restoration Division for oyster lease valuation, project monitoring and
resource delineation.
Consulted with the U.S. Veterans Administration on the disposal of the soil to be removed for
the addition to the hospital. The soil was contaminated with creosote.
Provided consultation and project oversight for the remediation of oil contaminated property
in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.
Provided consultation and project oversight for a Brownsfield site in St. John Parish,
Provided consultation and expert testimony for the shell dredging industry in Lake Pontchartrain
on the effects of shell dredging on water quality and biology of the lake.